Archives for category: Mastering

Pierre & Bastien

Mastering Pierre & Bastien “Que du Bonheur” on Pollymaggoo Records.

Recorded by Maxime Smadja at Studio Les Thermes.

“If you were lucky enough to hear and hold dear their debut LP from last year, it won’t be hard to convince you of their lust for Wire-wrapped rhythms and those fluid French lyrics laid artfully on top of such slashing guitars and intimidating vocal harmonies, uggh, so good! Straddling the razor’s edge of late 70s French thug punk bravado and early 80s post punk into a concise and well-produced modern classic, Que Du Bonheur strikes an icy aloofness right across the board into such impeccably well-written guitar lines, all destined to stick in your head instantly. The vocals can only really be described as excruciatingly refined, deadpan yet defiant and brilliantly brutish, you can try to stave off their allure, but why even put up the effort? Tough and seductive, and swollen with cuts from all those barbed hooks, this new LP should solidify their legend even further” (Todd Killings, VICTIM OF TIME)


Mastering SNÄGGLETOOTH “S/T” on 4490 Records.

“After their well-received 1st EP (Road to Nothingness), Singapore’s motorcharged punk outfit, SNÄGGLETOOTH, bring on a more straight forward punk influence than anything else on this 2nd EP. Punk yes, but they were still able to edge through each track with blistering riffs and intense guitar solos all over. A good combination which was well-executed in this release. Overall, this 2nd EP is on par or even better than the 1st one. Good songs, good sound. For fans of Motorhead, Annihilation Time, Inepsy, Burning leather, Skitkids and more etc.”

Buy it here!


Mastering SNÄGGLETOOTH “S/T” on 4490 Records.

“After their well-received 1st EP (Road to Nothingness), Singapore’s motorcharged punk outfit, SNÄGGLETOOTH, bring on a more straight forward punk influence than anything else on this 2nd EP. Punk yes, but they were still able to edge through each track with blistering riffs and intense guitar solos all over. A good combination which was well-executed in this release. Overall, this 2nd EP is on par or even better than the 1st one. Good songs, good sound. For fans of Motorhead, Annihilation Time, Inepsy, Burning leather, Skitkids and more etc.”

Buy it here!

Rhythm of Cruelty

Mastering Rhythm of Cruelty “Saturated”on Mass Media Records.

“Beautiful ethereal Post wave punk, driving guitars and atmospheric bass lines accompanied by Brandi’s vocals make a perfect combination. It’s the type of record you’ll want to hear in a club or just sitting at home. Seriously is beautiful! Comparisons to bands like Cocteau Twins and This Mortal Coil come to mind at times on this record, however Rhythm of Cruelty takes the beauty of those two artist of the past and give a harder, darker, post punk edge and ambience.”

Buy it here!

Rhythm of Cruelty

Mastering Rhythm of Cruelty “Saturated”on Mass Media Records.

“Beautiful ethereal Post wave punk, driving guitars and atmospheric bass lines accompanied by Brandi’s vocals make a perfect combination. It’s the type of record you’ll want to hear in a club or just sitting at home. Seriously is beautiful! Comparisons to bands like Cocteau Twins and This Mortal Coil come to mind at times on this record, however Rhythm of Cruelty takes the beauty of those two artist of the past and give a harder, darker, post punk edge and ambience.”

Buy it here!


Mastering Morenas “tres” on Discos Humeantes.

“Titulado como Tres, el nuevo trabajo de Morenas despliega una notable fortaleza y confirma a los alicantinos como una de las formaciones más en forma dentro del panorama independiente nacional. Siguen manteniendo aquí su capacidad para facturar hits exhibida ya en su primer disco y en la cinta con la que se presentaron, dos trabajos que mantenían una continuidad estilística, a lo que añaden ahora una mejora evidente en la producción del disco , y la inclusión de una voz principal.”

“An experimental post punkish noisy rock trio from Alicante, Spain reveals their quality new album called “Tres”. Despite slightly mediocre yet really entrancing singing, you’ll really fall into the quality songwriting, catchy riffs and charming melodies of this record.”

Buy it here!


Mastering Morenas “tres” on Discos Humeantes.

“Titulado como Tres, el nuevo trabajo de Morenas despliega una notable fortaleza y confirma a los alicantinos como una de las formaciones más en forma dentro del panorama independiente nacional. Siguen manteniendo aquí su capacidad para facturar hits exhibida ya en su primer disco y en la cinta con la que se presentaron, dos trabajos que mantenían una continuidad estilística, a lo que añaden ahora una mejora evidente en la producción del disco , y la inclusión de una voz principal.”

“An experimental post punkish noisy rock trio from Alicante, Spain reveals their quality new album called “Tres”. Despite slightly mediocre yet really entrancing singing, you’ll really fall into the quality songwriting, catchy riffs and charming melodies of this record.”

Buy it here!

Life Fucker

Mastering Life Fucker “Demo” on Static Age Records.

“New Band Life Fucker have released their new demo this is music from Barcelona/Berlin with members of SECT and Blank Pages. This is raw primitive hardcore and really is a life fucker. Members of Diät, Tremors, Blank Pages, Fluffers, Modern Pets, Sect etc. etc.”

Life Fucker

Mastering Life Fucker “Demo” on Static Age Records.

“New Band Life Fucker have released their new demo this is music from Barcelona/Berlin with members of SECT and Blank Pages. This is raw primitive hardcore and really is a life fucker. Members of Diät, Tremors, Blank Pages, Fluffers, Modern Pets, Sect etc. etc.”

Malos Modales

Mixing Malos Modales “Cronicas Terrestres”.

Killer Power Pop, Punk, Rock n Roll from Monterrey, Mexico.

Taken from Monterrey Rock:

“La adolescencia es esa parte de nuestras vidas donde parece que el mundo entero se nos cae encima, parece que nadie nos entiende y el único consuelo que encontramos es en nuestros amigos y en la música. Es precisamente ese sentimiento el que viene a mí al escuchar a Malos Modales; primero en su EP debut nombrado de forma homónima y ahora en su nuevo EP “Crónicas Terrestres” la sensación es la misma.

“Crónicas Terrestres” es un EP de solo cuatro tracks que no rebasan, ninguno de ellos, los dos minutos, sin embargo eso no le resta potencia al material entregado por los regiomontanos.

“Todo está bien” abre de forma potente el EP y de ahí la intensidad se mantiene durante todas las canciones, “El mundo nos mata” canción que había sido incluida en el compilado de Abstrakt Muzak continua con la travesía y las guitarras potentes y las líneas melódicas de bajo vuelven a ser las principales protagonistas mientras en la letra el sentimiento de adolescencia vuelve a aparecer cuando Zcrap Zapata canta “Fue un verano fatal, la escuela terminó”.

“Preguntas Insignificantes” es uno de los mejores temas de la banda, impregnado de esa melancolía e incertidumbre adolescente “¿Qué hacemos aquí?, ¿Cuánto tiempo es que me queda?, son preguntas insignificantes” reza el coro de la canción y por último el tema que le da nombre al EP “Crónicas Terrestres” se encarga de cerrar de buena manera un EP corto pero redondo y bien logrado, es de destacarse el hecho de que “Crónicas Terrestres” está escrito completamente en español a diferencia del EP anterior, no sé si así seguirán escribiendo de aquí en adelante pero sin duda es una buena decisión que hará que más personas se identifiquen de mejor manera con la banda.

No sé cuántos años tengan los integrantes de Malos Modales, pero estoy seguro que sin importar la edad ellos son adolescentes de corazón, ahí el tiempo no pasa.”