Archives for posts with tag: Johnny Thunders

Mastering CopyCats “Internet Pirates Will Make Music Prevail”

Released July 1, 2017

“Copycats vienen de Granada para presentar su último trabajo, un EP titulado Internet Pirates Will Make Music Prevail, una propuesta de garage punk setentero con referencias reconocibles, pero traídas hasta nuestros días. Pablo, Jason y Diego reflejan esa rabia generacional en unas canciones que sudan rock por cada costado. Las guitarras siempre prevalece, la música sobrevive.

# Copycats, bienvenidos al podcast de ERA Magazine. Para todo aquel que no os conozca, contadnos quiénes son Copycats y qué aspecto musical destacaríais para que alguien se introduzca en vuestra propuesta.

# Empezamos con las canciones que venís a presentar. La primera es «Youngsters In Granada». Contadnos algo de ella.

# Johnny Thunders, Dead Boys, The Only Ones o Television son las referencias más comunes cuando se habla de vuestra música. Cómo os sentís vosotros cuándo se os compara con estos artistas. No sé si habéis escuchado a todas estas bandas, lo digo por vuestra juventud.

# Vuestra música se entiende más desde una rabia generacional? Es imprescindible analizarla desde esa óptica?

# La segunda canción que escucharemos es «Lorena», preséntadnosla.

# Otros de los aspectos que predominan en vuestra música son los sonidos punk, en los que la guitarra toma protagonismo, como construís vuestras canciones.

# Y cómo es el encaje con las letras, son antes, después, y de qué os gusta hablar.

# Llegamos a la tercera canción, «Talen’s Suicide». Háblanos de ella.

# Este verano hicisteis una gira por Europa. Qué tal os fue y qué tal la acogida entre el público? ¿Tenéis más actuaciones este invierno?

# La última canción, decidnos cuál es y por qué la habéis elegido («This Tour Is Killing»).

# Gracias, Copycats, por haber estado en el podcast de ERA Magazine. En las notas del programa dejaremos los enlaces pertinentes para que puedan seguir tu música. Mucha suerte.” – Taken from Era Magazine

Buy it Here!

Sticky Valnetines

Mastering Sticky Valentines “S/T” EP.

Taken from Uberrock:

“Somebody once sang, “who will save rock and roll?” Well I could give you a list as long as an elephant’s trunk of bands who are flying the flag for good old Rock and Roll and I’ve just added another name to the illustrious list. Sticky Valentines is their name and playing dangerous sloppy rock and roll is their game.

Don’t despair kids, Rock and Roll is in rude health if you only scratch the surface, or failing that check out some of the bands I get to review on Uber Rock. Imagine the Rolling Stones around the time of ‘Exile…’ jamming with a prime time Thunders and Sylvain and add a dash of Hanoi Rocks when they were entering Mystery City that’s where these pirates of glunk sit comfortably. Hell, for good measure throw in some Replacements and a few Chuck Berry licks and Izzy Stradlin when he was on top of his game, oh and don’t forget the booze.

Kicking off quite literally is ‘Bored On The Boardwalk’ – with its heaving, sloppy swagger it’s like one huge barroom brawl is only one swig away and these vagabonds are gonna mess with anyone and everyone. With a fantastic guitar solo that Johnny would have been proud of the song just ends and gets the hell out of dodge. Superb stuff.

There are many pretenders who have a go at Rock and Rolling but can’t pull it off. Sticky Valentines were born to Rock and Roll and I see it as my duty to offer them up to you as paragons of taste: it’s only right you join me in saving rock and roll by supporting this band of rock and roll gypsies. Now can I get a “Fuck yeah!?” Stay alive, stay out of jail and Rock and Roll! Fuck Yeah!!!”

Sticky Valnetines

Mastering Sticky Valentines “S/T” EP.

Taken from Uberrock:

“Somebody once sang, “who will save rock and roll?” Well I could give you a list as long as an elephant’s trunk of bands who are flying the flag for good old Rock and Roll and I’ve just added another name to the illustrious list. Sticky Valentines is their name and playing dangerous sloppy rock and roll is their game.

Don’t despair kids, Rock and Roll is in rude health if you only scratch the surface, or failing that check out some of the bands I get to review on Uber Rock. Imagine the Rolling Stones around the time of ‘Exile…’ jamming with a prime time Thunders and Sylvain and add a dash of Hanoi Rocks when they were entering Mystery City that’s where these pirates of glunk sit comfortably. Hell, for good measure throw in some Replacements and a few Chuck Berry licks and Izzy Stradlin when he was on top of his game, oh and don’t forget the booze.

Kicking off quite literally is ‘Bored On The Boardwalk’ – with its heaving, sloppy swagger it’s like one huge barroom brawl is only one swig away and these vagabonds are gonna mess with anyone and everyone. With a fantastic guitar solo that Johnny would have been proud of the song just ends and gets the hell out of dodge. Superb stuff.

There are many pretenders who have a go at Rock and Rolling but can’t pull it off. Sticky Valentines were born to Rock and Roll and I see it as my duty to offer them up to you as paragons of taste: it’s only right you join me in saving rock and roll by supporting this band of rock and roll gypsies. Now can I get a “Fuck yeah!?” Stay alive, stay out of jail and Rock and Roll! Fuck Yeah!!!”