Archives for posts with tag: Target of Demand

Dim Prospects

Mastering Dim Prospects “S/T” Lunadiscs Records.

Taken from Suspect Device Fanzine:

“This record arrived via punk post from Dim Prospects’ guitarist Mops who gave it to my good friend Rich when he visited Vienna recently. Many years ago Rich had given me an album by an Austrian band I’d never heard of at that point, Target Of Demand, it was a great record that also featured the guitar talents of Mops. I wouldn’t go as far as comparing the two bands, although some of the guitar parts on this do have me thinking of that record, perhaps unsurprisingly. Dim Prospects deliver driving, melodic punk which at times reminds me of early Leatherface or even Pegboy, and although not super fast, the songs are brimming with an energy that gets into your soul and makes you feel you can do anything. I’ve been playing this a lot and have no hesitation in saying that this is one of the best melodic punk records I’ve heard in a long time. (Tony)”

Dim Prospects

Mastering Dim Prospects “S/T” Lunadiscs Records.

Taken from Suspect Device Fanzine:

“This record arrived via punk post from Dim Prospects’ guitarist Mops who gave it to my good friend Rich when he visited Vienna recently. Many years ago Rich had given me an album by an Austrian band I’d never heard of at that point, Target Of Demand, it was a great record that also featured the guitar talents of Mops. I wouldn’t go as far as comparing the two bands, although some of the guitar parts on this do have me thinking of that record, perhaps unsurprisingly. Dim Prospects deliver driving, melodic punk which at times reminds me of early Leatherface or even Pegboy, and although not super fast, the songs are brimming with an energy that gets into your soul and makes you feel you can do anything. I’ve been playing this a lot and have no hesitation in saying that this is one of the best melodic punk records I’ve heard in a long time. (Tony)”